Role and Ranks

Roleplay System Ranking Structure

Upon joining the community for Roleplay, expect to begin with a provided avatar (as available) and begin with the rank of Cadet. You are responsible for setting your Discord nickname for the server with your rank in brackets
EG: [Rank] CharacterName or Preferred Discord name
For team leads, you may add a period before your rank so you show up at the top of your team display/list when alphabetically organized; like so [.SSgt] 



All members must be Enlisted in order to access the basic channels as a confirmed server member. This process goes for everyone. 


New members must start off in the Infantry and work their way up in order to join specific squads or acquire special unit types. Your rank will be Cadet at this stage until you undergo a basic training/in game onboarding process, or if you show exceptional promise in your first session/missions. Upon reaching Lance Corporal, you may begin customizing your avatar and equipment, but this process must be approved through ⁠infantry-character-sheets. 

Field Agent

Members must attain a minimum rank of Corporal in order to become a Field Agent. Field agents gain access to beyond basic/standard loadout such as scanners, upgraded weapons, etc, and can join Squads if accepted for a Field Agent position.


  • Min rank: Lance Corporal.
  • Application approval. (By a Staff Officer+).
  • Approved to have personal avatar.


Researchers are less combative and focus on anomalous scanning and interactions. These roles become vital in some missions where guns simply won't cut it all the time. Researchers get access to greater knowledge bases and can open options for more equipment/in field interactions. They also get a far clearer understanding on types of anomalies on sight, able to make deductions in the field rather than waiting for information between missions.


  • Min rank: Corporal.
  • Application approval. (By a Sergeant Major+).


(Presently unavailable).


  • Min rank: Staff Sergeant.
  • Application approval. (Can only be approved by a Co-GM or Higher).


The most difficult role to achieve, AI are what Cortana is to Master Chief, or Roland is to the Infinity. Playing these characters grants a great deal of interaction in the way of ordinance/equipment access and in field terminal access.


  • Min rank: Master Sergeant.
  • Lore Master approval.
  • Application approval.


 In order to rank up, you must meet the necessary criteria. All Specter Initiative Ranks can be found in The Federation and Specter Initiative.

  • Accumulate Commendations.
  • Have a completed Character Sheet.
  • Be Enlisted.
  • Post a Promotion Request.
  • Apply for positions which have availability.

Each rank increase requires you reach multiplications of (x2) commendations of previous rank.
EG: Private = 2 Commendations, Private First Class = 4 Commendations, Lance Corporal = 8, etc.
Extra commendations can be awarded by the GM leading each session based on their observations or feedback they receive from NPC/Players also present.
The higher rank you are, the more scrutiny you will receive before receiving commendations on top of your attendance. If you would like to point out other players who you believe deserve extra commendations, please detail so in ⁠post-action-reports and make sure to add support replies/upvotes for people in their promotion requests. 


  • One commendation is awarded automatically for participating in each session, whether as player or NPC.
  • Commendations can be withdrawn for any reason deemed necessary either by officers for in character reasons, or moderation for out of character reason.
  • In order to surpass Cadet, one must undergo an in game training process or show promise in their first two missions if training was not available prior.
  • Upon reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant, promotions are based on merit, reputation, and officer slot availability, and Commendations are an honor number which still need to be kept track of.
  • Players and NPCs can recommend or support one another by praising really good roleplay and supporting posts made in promotion-request.

Unit Classes

 Upon reaching the Role of a Field Agent, you can begin branching out into specific classes. These classes do not necessarily dictate how you proceed, but are designed to specialize you to your strengths. 


Given exoskeletal assistance, heavy weaponry, and equipment necessary to carry and handle great amounts of weight. Juggernauts are the bulk and machine where synthetic or robotic units are not available, and have the added bonus of a conscious/sympathetic thinking element. For details, see Juggernauts.


Deadeye precision, given rifles fitting their steady hands, and usually using slimmer fitting armor to favor stealth and movement. Marksmen and Snipers are the ranged effort, utilizing high caliber and sometimes anti material rifles. 


The assistance necessary to keep your team mates alive and well, Medics are locked to a relatively standard loadout when it comes to equipment and weapons outside from their medical equipment. With stim-injectors, bandages, painkillers, and field surgical equipment, medics are the only units who can provide beyond basic bandage wrapping. 


With a bag full of tools, a hand for machines, and a knack for scrapping things together in a pinch, engineers are crucial in a world full of derelict structures and technology in a military force which often must utilize these ruins on the go. 


As a squad, your chain of command is self contained, meaning your squad members only take orders from the squad leader or someone of greater rank than the squad leader themselves if the situation deems necessary. Only if the squad leader is unavailable and no directives presently exist may the rest of the squad take orders from someone else outranking them, however the default process should have the next highest rank in the squad rather than external input. Squads are assigned per mission and often favor either class distribution, or who works best together. Squads may not build themselves, they must be built by the squad leader or an officer specifically assembling the squad. When in the field with Teams, a squad will often act as support as long as the squads do not have conflicting directives. 


Teams are comprised of no more than 6 members including the Team Lead. Teams are entirely self contained and autonamous once deployed, only taking directives from High Command. Even officers on the field may not interfere with the squad lead's directives. A squad may ignore an officer in the field even if the squad leader is incapacitated or unavailable, but are encouraged to respect the officer in the field's requests if it does not conflict with present objectives or directives. Requirements:

  • Team Leads must manage their own squad rosters.
  • Team Leads must be at least Staff Sergeant.
  • Members must be at least Lance Corporal.
  • Members must have approval for custom avatar or accept their Lead's assigned avatar setup otherwise.